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Having dry eyes can make your eyes feel itchy, gritty and sore. Your eyes may also look red and be more watery than usual. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time for you to visit us at one of our Cecil Amey branches in Norfolk or Suffolk, to find the best treatment for you.

Common symptoms of dry eyes may be reoccurring over a long period of time, dry eyes are:
  • itchy.
  • sore.
  • gritty.
  • red.
  • blurry.
  • sensitive to light.
  • more watery than normal



Dry Eye Symptoms
Dry Eye Clinic
The Dry Eye Clinic is a specialist eye care service to diagnose and manage Ocular surface disease, relieving dry eye symptoms & preventing long-term complications.
When visiting us, you will need two 30-minute appointments with our specialist Optometrist or Contact Lens Optician for an in-depth assessment. During these appointments you will receive a Tear Osmolarity test and a BlephEx treatment.

We stock all the products the patient will need following on from the appointment.

Double appointment – Assessment, Osmolarity & BlephEx – £120.00
Single appointment – BlephEx – £70.00.

Please note this is not the same as an eye test appointment and patients should have an up to date test before booking an appointment. Please call our Watton practice for more information on 01953 881535.


Recent testimonial :

“Having suffered with watery, sore, red eyes for many years, it was not until I had the results and diagnosis from the tear lab test at the Cecil Amey Watton dry eye clinic, that I realised I had chronic dry eyes.  Within days of the initial treatment the transformation was remarkable, my eyes feel and look so much better, friends and family have also commented on how well I now look.  The staff at Cecil Amey were very knowledgeable, extremely professional and exceptionally friendly.  I left the clinic with a great deal of good advice and ongoing treatment that continues to keep my eyes feeling better than they have for many years.  If you suspect you may have any symptoms of dry eye, I highly recommend a visit to the dry eye clinic for diagnosis and some excellent advice.” – Gary Long


Dry Eye

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